Welcome to Hasana Plus Organization

Our Philosophy  


Cultivating an equitable and sustainable future in Kurdistan, Iraq and communities worldwide. We foster harmonious progress that nourishes people and planet - taking actions today to grow healthy environments and just societies for generations to come 


• Advance gender equality and women's empowerment through environmental and cultural preservation initiatives. 

• Restore, preserve, and protect historical and cultural heritage sites across Kurdistan.

• Lead reforestation and afforestation projects to expand green spaces across communities. 

• Partner with local authorities to develop and execute innovative environmental conservation strategies and sustainability solutions. 

• Promote sustainable food cultivation, production, and consumption to reduce waste and build reliable local food systems.

• Environmental protection and Education: We actively collaborate with local authorities to propose innovative strategies aimed at mitigating environmental damage. This includes the establishment of specialized operation rooms dedicated to environmental protection. Additionally, we place strong emphasis on recognizing and harnessing the valuable contribution women can make in these crucial conservation efforts.

Get Involved

Everyone can participate. Plant seeds, take walks, clean up trash daily

Organize a group


Unified efforts wield great power. Together achieved more and contribute signaficantly

Sow some seeds


Planting trees transform our environment. Small efforts matter, creating lasting changes.

We've got This Covered


Trash harms land, poses risks, Efforts makes a difference, Any one can help, Need more bins.

Inspire Others, Unlock Potential


Embrace nature's wonders, inspire others to appreciate and protect wildlife with joyful outings

Support Local, Choose organic


Invest in local organic produce for farmer support, reduce environment impact and promote nutrition .

News Feed

November 1, 2023

Hanasa Plus Tree Planting

Hanasa Plus members, Mr. Aziz Shekfati and Pehlwan Barwari, passionately participated in planting 400 Paulownia trees. They showed great dedication to the environment

May 9, 2023

Duhok Environmental Awareness Seminar

On May 9th, 2023, Hanasa Plus held an educational seminar on environmental awareness at Duhok University's College of Political, International, and Diplomatic Sciences

May 7, 2023

Environmental Workshop with Hanasa Plus

Hanasa Plus collaborated with Peshmerga forces in an environmental protection workshop. Gratitude to Dr. Zubir, President of Akre Technical College, teachers and students for their dedication.

March 10, 2023

Environmental Event: Checker Bird Release

Hanasa Plus organization took part in an event on March 10, 2023, alongside local officials and environmental protection officers. During this event, they released more than 50 checker birds from captivity into their natural habitat

January 15, 2023

Hanasa Plus Environmental Seminar

Hanasa Plus held a seminar at Eshiq University, addressing environmental concerns, expressing gratitude to America and Kurdistan, with widespread attendance and appreciation for contributors